Electronic Signature and Secure Forms in the Insurance
Insurance carriers continue to hold on to traditional paper-based, wet-signature contract execution even though the legal barriers to electronic documents and electronic signature have been eliminated.
Other segments of financial services have adopted electronic signature technology, and consumers are expecting all their financial transactions to be supported in an electronic environment.
New forces for globalizing insurance and the demand for environmentally friendly companies combined with the pervasive need to prevent fraud and comply with regulations make use of secure documents and electronic signature imperative for carriers.
Document security issues are complex, and many insurance carriers would be well served to partner with technology vendors that have deep financial services expertise with electronic signatures.
Initiatives for using secure documents and electronic signature must be an enterprise decision not only to determine business value and total cost of ownership but also to effect the culture change necessary for success.
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Michael Fusco – Testimonial!
After spending many years searching for an answer to combat inefficiencies of the insurance business, Settleware has finally provided me the solution. Since implementing their e-signature platform, my agency has improved our daily workflow in ways I never thought possible. As many insurance professionals can attest, simply getting in front of clients to sign documents is a challenge; and the technology of faxing and scanning hasn’t helped. Settleware will eliminate this problem, because their software allows e-signing anywhere: from a computer, smart phone, or tablet. The process is quick and efficient, and customers truly appreciate the ease of doing business. In addition, the program will drastically cut down on paper handling, which will allow your producers more time to sell new business!
Settleware provides my agency another benefit that is extremely important: decreasing my errors and omissions exposure. How? Customers CANNOT miss signatures, initials, dates, etc. as the program does not allow them to proceed until all places are marked. This alone allows me to sleep better at night! I recommend Settleware to ALL insurance professionals. You will find an immediate impact on your agency.
“With the high cost of having a administrative staff, Settleware has been the perfect cost effective fit for Your Car Our Driver(YCOD). It has allowed us the freedom to concentrate on business development and not administrative by allowing Settleware’s technology platform to take care of all our client setup documents. We have many high profile clients and this platform has given our clients the peace of mind knowing the information that they give YCOD is securely stored. Additionally, with the high fraudulent credit card misuse, Settleware has given YCOD a backup plan that the client electronically authorized future charges with the IP signature solution. I highly recommend Settleware to any company desiring to save on administrative costs and to protect their confidential client information “stated Josef Wojtkow, CEO